Archives for the Month of February, 2013

Day 4 :: Jen :: Lab Rat Torture

I hit a low point recently. Kicking goals! The Scientists kept me awake after everyone else was asleep, and I’d been woken before the others as well, so I was utterly exhausted and incapable of keeping my eyes open, let alone writing. It is very frustrating when your waking hours are unproductive – if I […]


Day 3 :: Fee :: we are cyborg

I want to start this post saying “It’s day three in the Big Brother House…” but truth be told, we can’t agree if it’s sometime Tuesday, sometime Wednesday or possibly still Sunday afternoon.


Days 1 – 3 :: Thom :: Life is a Dream

Dreams are prepared, captivated senses of commercials- life is a dream ..TB Start of exploration in shapes, letters and numbers.


Day 3.5 :: Sean :: The missing pieces

Quite a lot happened after my USB was taken away last “night”, but I was in no fit state to record it. Jenn and Thom went to bed first, while Fee and I stayed up for the late shift.


Ask the Subjects :: Synaesthesia

Have you noticed any associative changes between smell, taste, and memory?  Chris There was an absence of smells, except for of course my art materials. You could smell the food wafting through the door but the food itself was quite bland, although edible. I think as you get more tired, your brain starts playing tricks […]


Day 3 :: Jen :: …”while we ate our nutritious dinner-for-breakfast”

After a short dip in the Mariana Trench of sleep – my greedy brain went straight for the deep stuff – I was woken several hours before the others and had some time to myself to write in the quiet. That was bliss. I worked some more on the vague story I started on the […]


Ask the Subjects :: Wake up!

How have your feelings towards the scientists tasked with waking you/preventing you from sleeping changed? Is fatigue starting to override social niceties? Sean the Bookonaut Hi Sean! My feelings fluctuate pretty wildly. It helps that all of the scientists are lovely people. If they were more authoritarian it would be easier to resent them, but […]


Ask the Subjects :: Something in the air?

With no direct exposure to the external weather events, can you gauge any of the changes due to minor fluctuations in air pressure? The relationship between sound, pressure and temperature is something the human body can be attuned to in a multi-sensory sense – are you at all aware of vibrations that may exist on […]


Ask the Subjects :: Houdini

Downstairs its just like any normal day here, but I doubt its very normal for you. My question is, have you thought about trying to escape yet? Or if not escaping, trying to cheat the lockdown by finding out what time it is? Stuart  Funnily enough one of the first things I did when I […]


Day 3 :: Sean :: Rolling with the punches

“Day” 3 (that’s what I’m rolling with) – hot pack and magic cream = essential! Chilli too- all this pain and suffering for SCIENCE- if I had a dollar for every time I used the word “chocolate” . . . – Fee is redesigning the PVT machines Well, the story is deadlocked, so let me tell […]