New Scientist on Sleep and Dreaming

A very timely New Scientist Special Issue on Sleep and Dreaming

Coffee Zombie

I love coffee. Every day, coffee first thing in the morning, another in midmorning, but rarely a third cup, unless it’s a special occasion, or I really need it… okay, I usually end up having a third cup. I love the smell wafting through the house, the sound of it bubbling up in its stovetop pot, the taste of bitter black strong coffee freshly made, the hedonistic ritual, but mostly I love the rush.  So imagine my horror when the scientists tell us there is to be no coffee or tea at all during our seven days of sleep deprivation. (more…)

Ask the Subjects :: In Your Dreams

So, just wondering; perhaps you are vivid dreamers….perhaps not.
Maybe you dream in colour….maybe not.
Are your dreams typically archetypal or styled to your own symbology… do you think your dreams will change and influence your work while inside your own private little Idaho? (more…)

As the mad scientist said to the minion…..

I’m a writer, which means I’m an artist, which means I’m supposed to be a little crazy, right? Crazy enough to volunteer for a seven-day sleep deprivation residency, anyway. (more…)

Ask the subjects

Wondering how The Subjects will cope with being locked in a room with disrupted sleep and only their muse for company? Ask The Subjects a question and they will answer you:

(Questions to The Subjects are moderated – but do not fear! Your question will appear and The Subjects will reply to you)

Big Brother is watching you

When I told friends I was applying to be part of this project, responses fell into two camps: the sensible people, who asked why the hell I would want to subject myself to a week of intermittent sleep deprivation, and the wide-eyed, curious types, who instantly had half a dozen questions about the process and what it might do to me. The latter tended to be artists or scientists. Something our two fields have in common: a restless and occasionally relentless curiosity. (more…)


As a curious writer with a deep interest in science, politics, and the mind under stress, I jumped at the chance to participate in this experiment. I expect to be surprised.
Jennifer Mills

Isolation and Restraint

I’m very intrigued by the experience of making art with extreme restraints – and in seeing the outcomes. It is like delving into the unknown. I anticipate that I will make a interesting body of work as I will be able to work without any distractions.

A lot of my work is directly related to the world that surrounds me at the time of creating it – reflections of common ground, build environments and visually inputted images.  Working in isolation, I will be tapping into my knowledge and memories as a source of inspiration rather than drawing inspiration from what is around me.

Within these restraints, my primary focus for investigation will be sourcing imagery directly from my subconscious.  I’m really looking forward to the outcomes

Thom Buchanan

Hello. My name is Fee and I have A Problem…

I have used the ‘career choice’ of ‘technoevangelist’ as an excuse, a cover to conceal my addiction, for nearly seventeen years now. It’s time that I was honest with everyone – and myself  – and admit that… I Have A Problem. When I’m not fixing broken technology I’m lying awake pretending to distract myself from insomnia… by tweeting with friends in the Northern Hemisphere. With any luck being locked in a room away from all devices will remind me what life was like before the internet existed. If not, well, I’ll have something interesting to blog about when I get out…

Fee Plumley

To Sleep; Perchance to Dream

I’ve always said that my best ideas come from dreams. Here’s my chance to put this to the test. Can I maintain my usual creativity while sleep deprived? If I do have an inspirational dream while wired up to the machines, will that blow a fuse somewhere? I’m dying to find out.

Sean Williams

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