Tuesday, 5 February 2013
During its 25th anniversary year, the Australian Network for Art & Technology (ANAT), in partnership with Central Queensland University’s Appleton Institute, is pleased to present The Subjects – an experimental and experiential project requiring the participants to be their own subjects.
Adelaide-based artists Thom Buchanan and Fee Plumley and writer Jennifer Mills join acclaimed author, Sean Williams, in a week-long residency at CQU’s Sleep Research Centre looking at the impact that disrupted sleep patterns, loss of subjective control and constant surveillance have on creativity.
Those of us lucky to be on the outside can follow the impact of these privations on The Subjects for the duration of the residency through the project blog. For each day of the residency, each Subject is required to produce a creative work for the blog, enabling us to interact directly with their experience through our responses and questions to their daily missives.
Will they go quietly mad? Will they lose their creativity? Or will they find entirely new ways of expressing themselves, personally and creatively?
Writers and artists are experts at imagining and creating the lives and worlds of others – but what happens when the tables are turned and they themselves become The Subjects?
You be the judge…