Ask the subjects
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Wondering how The Subjects will cope with being locked in a room with disrupted sleep and only their muse for company? Ask The Subjects a question and they will answer you:
(Questions to The Subjects are moderated – but do not fear! Your question will appear and The Subjects will reply to you)
has anyone been fisted? post pics. k thnx bye
honestly though… sleep dep is fun right? i was in the hospital for a month and couldn’t function in society for several months after. it was a constant state of pronoia at one moment, and paranoia at the other. not eating and sleep dep attributed a large part to this, that and hallucinations.
if there is any one thing to be said…. remember this EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY.
Are you having microsleeps? Once when sleep deprived I had them, and also kept seeing people who wanted to look after me. People kept asking me if I was okay, and I wondered whether to tell the extent of my hallucinations. Are you irritable? I dont think I was creative at all, except for my hallucinations which were beautiful. Do you feel disconnected from your bodies? and can you sleep on a chickens lip when you get out? being so exhausted?
I could “sleep on a chicken’s lip” as you so wonderfully put it before the study – honed my skills from years of travelling. But for the most part I have slept terribly since the study. For the first few nights I could only get three-four hours a night, which was frustrating. I did have a couple of microsleeps in the lab. Hallucinations were par for the course, and it surprises me how much stigma is attached to them.